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Showing posts from June, 2024

Germany, Poland, and Prague

The great adventure of 2024 was a trip with our friends to Europe.  This post will not follow my regular pattern for travel posts, and we used a travel agent to arrange our trains and hotels Rail Bookers, but it should be helpful if you are planning a trip to these countries. Our travel agent was Pam from Preparation German Language Learning Duo Lingo - I primarily used this app because it was convenient to do during my walks with the dog.  That said, if I’d been really serious about learning the language, I would use another option to supplement Duo. I spent about 7 months prepping with Duo Lingo, and while I am able to pick up on bits and pieces, I don’t feel that comfortable speaking it in general - only words and a couple short phrases. Rocket Languages - I accessed this through our public library and downloaded an app.  I didn’t use it much and regret not doing so as they use native speakers and not the weird AI generated voices of Duo Lingo. Apps to Download